Welvaart Bhakti Yoga Proces

BHAKTI YOGA WELVAART PROCES voor Rijkdom en Overvloed

Data: 11 maart 2012

Tijd: 11.00 – 17.00 uur


Locatie: Marconistraat 2, Tilburg (Zuid)

Kosten: € 50,- (inclusief lunch)


Tel.: 013-5433996 / 06-21868628

E-mail: wstoelman@hotmail.com



Wanneer ben je rijk? Je bent rijk als je je rijk voelt. Rijk zijn is niet alleen afhankelijk van het bezitten van materiële rijkdom. Wanneer voel je je rijk? Als jouw bewustzijn overvloed ervaart. Dus als je gevoel verbonden is met een bewustzijn dat geen tekorten of beperkingen kent. Je ervaart dan innerlijk dat je zelf in essentie rijkdom en overvloed bent. Dit is welvaart in meest ruime zin.

Alleen een bewustzijn dat onbegrensd is, kan een leven van voorspoed en overvloed voortbrengen. En wel op elk vlak. Afhankelijk van iemands streven, behoeften en aspiraties, kan een dergelijk verruimd bewustzijn dus ook zelfs iemands materiële of financiële wensen makkelijker vervullen. Zie de EXPERIENCES verderop (in het Engels).

De Welvaart Bhakti Yoga brengt via oneness processen van toewijding en overgave, een transformatie van het ik-bewustzijn tot stand. Dit nieuwe Oneness Welvaart deeksha proces is recentelijk ontworpen door Sri AmmaBhagavan. Zij bieden dit aan juist in deze moeilijke tijd van economische crisis waarin velen zich onzeker en angstig voelen.

Met opnieuw een overvloed aan Divine Grace komen AmmaBhagavan met dit mooie geschenk tegemoet aan ook de materiële behoeften van iedereen in de Oneness gemeenschap. Veel mensen hebben door het Welvaart deeksha proces al wonderbaarlijke effecten mogen meemaken in hun leven.

Na te zijn ingewijd in dit Welvaart Bhakti Yoga proces, word je geacht thuis nog 11 dagen achtereen een ceremoniële procedure uit te voeren.

Alles bij elkaar kost je dit aan tijd ongeveer 1 uur per dag. Dit is nodig om het op gang gebrachte proces van transformatie in je bewustzijn te bestendigen, zodat het voor jou optimaal effectief in je leven kan uitwerken.


Het Bhakti Yoga Welvaart proces bevat, teachings, meditaties, contemplaties, rituelen en een speciale deeksha via de Sri Murthi van AmmaBhagavan.


– Deelname, aanvankelijk alleen voor deekshagevers, nu ook toegankelijk voor iedereen die bij voorkeur al goed bekend is met deeksha, wat dus betekent dat je al eerder meerdere keren deeksha hebt ontvangen.
– Deelnamekosten van € 50,- is inclusief lunch: soep, broodjes, thee en koffie.
– Het is prettig om een dekentje, warme sokken en een ligmatje mee te nemen.
– Als je van buiten Tilburg met het Openbaar Vervoer komt, is het mogelijk gratis te worden opgehaald en weggebracht van en naar het station. Laat het van tevoren, bij de aanmelding, weten als je hiervan gebruik wilt maken.


Uiterlijk 2 dagen van tevoren telefonisch of per email aanmelden:
E-mail: wstoelman@hotmail.com   Tel.: 013-5433996 of 06-21868628
Warme groet, Blessings, en tot ziens,
Will Stoelman


I want to share with you the miracle which happened to me 22nd December, exactly on the 11th day of the wealth ritual with 108 coins.

Since mid-October of this year, I was unemployed, while having big financial commitments. For the whole time, however, I was handing in my situation to the Divine and praying to Amma Bhagavan. I received a few contacts of companies from the unemployment office. I arranged the first interview in one of the companies. The offered work was interesting, but in a different field than I had ever worked in before, and especially with a lower salary than my need, it is not sufficient to cover all my monthly expenses. I took two weeks to decide.

Then I handed myself in to God and told the company that I was interested. At that time, since my participation in the darshan with Sri Bhagavan for the Czech Republic, I was already performing the 11-day home ritual for abundance (from 11th December to 22nd December). The company replied to me that they needed to decide now and wanted to ask me a few questions to examine me and talk to me once again.

That day I woke up earlier than usually, fresh and full of trust in divine guidance and support by Amma Bhagavan. Outside, the sun was shining and stunningly beautiful. I felt calm, peace and surrender in my heart. I was about 8 minutes late to the company but it did not matter because my new boss was about 25 minutes late. The director of the company welcomed me and let me sit in the conference room. The entire meeting was miraculously smooth, fast, easy and successful. They not only tested my knowledge, language etc., but there was also full of confidence in me, sympathy, accord of views, and similar experiences of our study and career beginnings, etc.

The biggest surprise, however, awaited me at the end of the discussion, after both bosses had gone out of the room in order to consult each other regarding my engagement.
They fully met my idea of salary and offered me a contract from the beginning of January. The salary is higher by over 1/3 than indicated in the working ad!
I express my gratitude to Amma Bhagavan.

Now I have also the opportunity to partially pay back the help I received.
Hallelujah, it is Christmas.
With love
Czech Republic

…. I wanted to thank you so much for the abundant grace that Kaya and I received from you last Friday night. The process was amazing and the energy that we received was incredible. Thank you for initiating us to run the Wealth Deeksha program.

And, I want to tell you that over these last two days, Monday and Tuesday, since the initiation, I have sold 3 large paintings for many thousands of dollars, making more money from my paintings in those 2 days than for the whole year last year!!! Pretty incredible. I am in awe and gratitude to Sri Amma Bhagavan for such divine grace and love.


We just completed the wealth process and sadhana. We were on the way to drop the trainer to his next program and had to pull up at the service station and amazingly saw a person who owes me money for a very long time, parked there, for some timber I sold him. We apparently lost contact for a while. I approached him and he was happy to see me and happy to pay me what he owed, which was incredible. So we both drove to his house and he paid me, instantly we gave gratitude to Amma Bhagavan and the divine for this incredible coincidence and wealth miracle, certainly grace works fast.
In deepest gratitude.
Jai and family,

I so much want to express my gratitude for the possibility to carry out the Wealth process. Thanks to my great friend I have managed to get 108 coins of the same value very quickly and could start the ritual.

When I was going through the ritual instructions, I became nervous what name to call my Divine. I have never really believed in God and I have always been unsure where should I look for my personal God or what name to give him? Is he somewhere in “heaven”? Yes, I have read several books and attended even the darshans of Sri Bhagavan and from the teachings I know that the Divine is within me, within my heart…, but that was only theory for me, I have never felt the connection with God… So I turned into myself with the question what to call my personal God?

And I received an absolutely amazing reply…
The ritual was a very strong experience for me from the very beginning, especially the mental blessing of my parents was always very emotionally strong, as well as the whole prayer… During the contemplation on 11 points many strong beliefs arose from my unconscious preventing me from my abundance, I wasn’t aware of them at all. Thank you, thank you, thank you…

But what was for me so very fundamental in the ritual – when I was calling out for “my Divine”, during the whole ritual I have managed to create an absolutely amazing relationship with my God!!! I am so grateful for that, it’s as if “Father” would hold me in his arms and lovingly embrace me… I have never had that from my physical father; therefore I am grateful for this feeling even more…

Now I understand, Sri Bhagavan, when you say “Man is an orphan without the Divine”.
I don’t know how to thank? I am grateful to Sri Amma Bhagavan for everything you are doing for us…
With Love and respect to You…
Czech Republic

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